This section includes additional datasets based on the ATOP data.
ATOP S-Scores:
This dataset contains four measures of foreign policy similarity covering 1815-2018 computed with ATOP data. The measures include weighted s-scores, unweighted s-scores, Scott's π, and Cohen's к.
We ask users of the dataset to cite the following article:
Chiba, Daina, Jesse C. Johnson, and Brett Ashley Leeds. 2015. "Careful Commitments: Democratic States and Alliance Design." Journal of Politics 77 (4): 968-982.
Also, users should cite Signorino and Ritter (1999) if they use S scores, and cite Hage (2011) if they use Scott's π or Cohen's к.
This dataset contains four measures of foreign policy similarity covering 1815-2018 computed with ATOP data. The measures include weighted s-scores, unweighted s-scores, Scott's π, and Cohen's к.
We ask users of the dataset to cite the following article:
Chiba, Daina, Jesse C. Johnson, and Brett Ashley Leeds. 2015. "Careful Commitments: Democratic States and Alliance Design." Journal of Politics 77 (4): 968-982.
Also, users should cite Signorino and Ritter (1999) if they use S scores, and cite Hage (2011) if they use Scott's π or Cohen's к.
Below are the previous versions of the data based on ATOP v4.0 and v5.0:
Peacetime Military Coordination and Formality:
This dataset includes the peacetime military coordination and formality indexes developed by Leeds and Anac (2005) for all alliance phases in ATOP version 5.1.
We ask users of the dataset to cite the following article:
Leeds, Brett Ashley and Sezi Anac. 2005. "Alliance Institutionalization and Alliance Performance." International Interactions 31 (3): 183-202.
Below are the previous versions of the data based on ATOP v4.0 and v5.0: